Glenthorne prides itself on its friendly welcome and good cooking from fresh ingredients. For the evening meal we offer a wide choice of dishes, prepared by our resident chefs. A vegetarian option is always available and we can usually cater for a special dietary need (however prior notification will help us to meet it).
The Glenthorne tradition of tea and cakes made freshly in our own kitchen is provided for all guests. Tea is served in the garden if the weather is fine, otherwise in the lounge.
Hot drinks are available at all times in the main house and in all rooms. We have a residents’ liquor licence – a variety of drinks are on offer with meals.
Meal Times
Guests eat together at set times in the dining room overlooking the gardens.
Cooked Breakfast: 8:15 – 8:45am.
Dinner: 7:00pm.
Sample Menu (which change daily):